Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hey, this is going pretty well...

Three days in, and I have to say that this has been pretty easy so far.  Yesterday was a bit of a write off, but I did manage to sneak in a healthy bedtime snack of cottage cheese & veggies.

This morning I made the orange scones recipe from the Gather cookbook.  So good.  The kids immediately sensed something suspicious, likely the presence of nuts.  They didn't eat them, but did have a good serving of fruit & more cottage cheese (sensing a trend here).

Supper was taco salad.  No shells - the kids didn't' even miss the shells.  Total points possible for this meal was 20. We allowed 3 points each for meat, avocado, tomato, lettuce, & olives or 1 point for trying those ingredients and 5 points for finishing the bowl.

Chloe scored 16/20 points.
 5- finishing bowl
3 - meat
3 - olives
3 - avocado
1 - tomato
1 - letuce

Sophie scored 14/20 points
5 - finishing bowl
3 - meat
3 - tomato
3 - olives

Daphne scored top points with 18/20
5 - finishing bowl
3 - meat
3 - olives
3 - avocado
3 - lettuce
1 - tomato

This meal was a huge success.  Kids loved it!

Taco Meat

I never measure anything when I cook - I usually eye things out.  So these measurements are approximate, and just a general guideline.  Be creative! You don't need seasoning out of a package to make delicious tacos!

2 lbs grass fed ground beef
2/3 tbsp. chilli powder
2 tsp. paprika
2 tsp. cumin
1 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp oregano
salt to taste

Brown ground beef, add seasoning.  Sometimes I like to add some tomato paste to make the meat saucier.

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