Thursday, May 23, 2013

My kids - and why this blog exists.

These are my kids.  They are a little bit crazy, a little bit goofy, a LOT picky, and completely awesome.

Chloe is 11.  She's your typical pre teen (you know, not quite teen - but not quite kid!  I remember this age well.).  She's typically been our pickiest eater.  Right from when she was a baby.  I remember trying to transition her to solids, but she was determined to survive on breastmilk alone (smart kid!).  Her diet as a toddler consisted of breastmilk, avocado & cheese.  She refused any and all vegetables and her lone fruit was the wholesome avocado.  Chloe's favorite food is Mac n Cheese (boxed variety).  She refuses to eat seafood or fish, will not eat gristle (in fact, has stated "gristle" as her least favorite food).

Sophie is 7.  Sophie has been probably the more adventurous eater of the three.  She will usually try most foods and is the only one who will happily eat tomatoes.  She loves candy.  Her favorite food is popcorn with tomato being a close second.   She quite dislikes avocado.

Daphne is 5.  Daphne is a meat eater.  Always has been.  Our most primal of the bunch.  Since I began eating a primal diet about 4 years ago, Daphne is most used to seeing primal foods in the house.  Daphne's favorite food is sushi - salmon sashimi to be exact.  She also loves bacon, shrimp, pork chops (bone only please), and steak.  She also eats a nice variety of fruit and veg.  She dislikes toast, but LOVES candy!  LOVES it.  Transitioning Daphne to primal eating will be a breeze, except for her love of candy.

All in all - my kids eat pretty well.  I'm usually pretty careful to minimize processed foods, and we cook real food meals a lot of the time.  But, sometimes amidst our busy lives, we can barely manage to get a frozen pizza on the table.  And this is supper, more often than I care to admit.

A few lightbulb moments over the past month has made me realize that we need to get serious about our children's diet.

The most recent was at Chloe's 11th birthday party.  We served typical party fare - pizza, cupcakes, candy.  One of her guests had dietary restrictions against dairy & gluten.  Typically, this would be no issue for me.  Most often our meals, and even past birthday menus, have been primal or paleo.  Time to change! I felt badly not being able to offer kid friendly GF/DF alternatives to Chloe's party guest.

Before this, was our most eye opening realization.  Over the past year, our family was split up.  The kids father & I had separated, and we were sharing custody of the girls.  Communication was limited and neither of us placed a huge priority on feeding the kids the same way we had been feeding them prior to the split.  We fed them convenient food (I was also feeding them a vegetarian diet during this time) - and both of us gave them a fair amount of junk food.  It was definitely easier to give in to their requests for candy - than to say no. Thankfully, dad & I reunited this past January and have been working to rebuild routine and predictability for the kids again, which included a trip to the dentist.

We were shocked and disappointed to see that Daphne & Sophie's teeth were in terrible condition.  They have had to have extensive dental work done to remedy the damage done by a poor diet.  The dentist commented that the change was dramatic and asked if there was any change to overall health or if something had happened.   It was clearly the inattention to diet, and probably inconsistency with oral hygiene.

Both their dad and I decided that it was time to change.  So, we are.  This isn't going to be easy.  I often think I might have the pickiest eaters ever.  I often look at kid friendly recipes and think, "not a chance!" - but maybe I haven't given my kids the opportunity to prove me wrong.  So - we are starting this in earnest now, a primal diet.  No grains, limited (high fat) dairy, no legumes, limited sugar.  They will eat a plant based diet with ethically sourced meat & eggs for protein.  Maybe we can even get them eating nuts!

We still have a lot of grains in the house, so we did decide to transition slowly so that the food we have does not go to waste.  Main meals will be mostly primal, lunches will slowly transition (a very challenging meal to keep primal when nuts are not allowed at school), and breakfast will be the last to go (we are moving from wheat based cereals to rice & corn based, and then eventually on to the typical primal breakfast foods).

This blog will follow our progress!  Join in!  We'd love to share this adventure with you!

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