Friday, May 24, 2013

The Particulars - The Primal Diet

Before delving too far into this experiment, I want to explain how we plan to be eating as a family.  The general guidelines for the way of eating we will be following can be found on the Marks Daily Apple website.  We will be following a primal/paleo way of eating, with a few modifications. 

Here are the general guidelines:

1. No grains - except for rice on ocassion
2. No legumes - easy one given that my children really dislike beans
3. Limited dairy - full fat 
4. Limited sugar - natural sugars like maple syrup & honey will be allowed
5. No vegetable oils (exception for commercial mayo & veggie dips until we can transition to home made) 

The primal/paleo diet is a plant based diet - the bulk of the diet is vegetables & fruits.  This is one of the biggest misconceptions I encounter regarding eating a paleo diet.  Most people think I eat meat every day, 3 meals a day.  Not the case.  

Another thing many paleo eaters fail to see is the importance of quality meat.  CAFO meats, in my opinion, are not part of the primal or paleo diet.  We will chose grass fed & pastured meats whenever possible, with a second alternative of locally sourced organic or natural meats (antibiotic and hormone free). 

Bacon is often seen as the "mecca" of all meats in the paleo community, and yes, I did serve bacon last night!  But, I want to stress that we buy nitrate free, natural bacon.  I do not think regular store bought bacon is a healthy alternative for our family.  

Seafood will be sustainably sourced whenever possible, with the hopes of finding good, consistent sources for quality seafood.  

Animal welfare, and stewardship of the earth is very important to me.  If there is not an ethical meat option, I will eat only plants.  I would like to pass this way of eating along to my children.  I want them to get to know the farmers we buy from, and I would like them to understand that food isn't something that we should take for granted.  We plan to make a regular habit out of visiting the farmers market each week, so the kids have a strong connection with their food. 

It is my strong belief that we are omnivorous animals.  I believe that the closer to the source a food is, the healthier it is.  We strive to feed our children REAL food, minimally processed, primarily locally sourced whenever possible.  

Allowable foods: vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, animals, eggs, healthy fats, limited dairy, white rice, natural sweeteners.  

Today started out with a very non primal meal - Rice Krispies & milk for breakfast, and will continue down that path as the children have their hot dog lunch at school this afternoon - this evening they will enjoy a home cooked meal at my mom and dads house (very likely not primal, but filled with love!).  We are focused only on what we can do at home for the time being, hoping to instil habits that the children will take with them as they venture out and make food choices outside of the home.  We want them, in time,  to be internally motivated to eat well.  

In the midst of this we will remember Mark Sisson's words, "Don't let perfection be the enemy of good" 

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